Saturday, October 29, 2011

* JWB's "Mama", Postmarked Mount Carmel, Conn. April 24, 1900 [Mind-numbingly tedious day-by-day micro-chronology of vague family non-events , reminiscent of my own adored Mt. Carmel-mother's and New Haven-grandmother's sought and welcomed letters]

Postmark April 24, 1900 Mount Carmel, Conn.

Mr. J. Walter Bassett
Southern Pines

Home Sunday April 1st

[Note: Many sentences do not end with punctuation in this letter. Repeated  use of "[sic] would be annoying, so I trust your intelliegence as reader to predict the problem.]

Dear Walter,

    I guess you will think I have not written much of late. I did not have much chance while I was visiting + since I came home have been pretty busy. I was away a little longer than I expected 2-b [sic] but did not see quite all that I would as  Cousin Iachi[?] Was sick all the time I was there so they could not go around with me at all. I left. Louis at noon Sat  - Ella met me and we wen to Wanamakers spent most of our time their [sic] that afternoon although we did go ro one or two other places. Then went up E. W. Benjamins and Ella slowed [slaved? ] to arrive. Sunday morning she came for me and we went to hear Dr. Babcock next  hour[?] at the church after dinner we went to call on Miss Cox and Addie then back to the Benjamins to lunch we did not go to church in the evening then went with Ella and spent the night at Madams She came up in the morning and we went down town together and spent all day in the stores we bought them [?] a waist and skirt in the morning she had 2 [sic] go just before Ella came. We did a little shopping for Ella but it came in[?] 2 [sic] rain and did not do all we wanted to. When I got up 2 [sic] the Benjamins I found Mrs. Williams there + it rained so she spent the night.  She slept with me and we talked till quite late . Tuesday I did not go out much In the morning I took a little walk by myself  and at four oclock [sic] I went I went down to Madams [?] 2 call. She was busy so I did not meet her  but Ella took me up 2 [sic] her room. I stayed a little while then Ella went up 2 [sic] the Benjamins to dinner with me and I walked home with her in the morning. Wed afternoon at two I went to the Madams for Ella.  I met Madame and she asked me 2 [sic] come 2 [sic]dinner . Ella thought that was a good deal for her to do but there wasn't a day I could so we went down town and  looked around a while. The Ella put me in the right car and I went to Brinkleys [?] and [illegible] till after lunch Thursday. I enjoyed it there ever so much. I think they are about as nice a family as you see every day. Ella met me again Thursday and we did a little more shopping then went to dinner at Addies  They had several passes  to the Thaeter [sic] and wanted us to go with them  Thought at first we couldn't but finally decided that I would stay but E couldn't So I spent the night with them went back to the Benjamins Friday morning stayed till after lunch then made a short call on Ella + started for Jersey City I enjoyed my visit their [sic] ever so much. The girls all look so well ["3' for page inserted above] Lou grow young. Allie was almost [?] sick for a few days but is pretty well most of the time. She looks so much better than she did a few years ago. They wanted to see you but it would not be so. They could take you to board [?] if you wanted 2 [sic]  go their [sic] Sat afternoon Ella came over we staid [sic] till after dinner Sunday. Then started for N.Y. we took the 9 AM Elevated 2 [sic] 126 St. and walked across to Grants [sic] Tomb after we had viewed that  we took the Boulevard car back to E. 25th [?] Street

 Ella staid 2 [sic] lunch with me than she wasled to attend a meeting of students in the evening. I did not get out Monday morning I took a long walk with Grace [?] we walked in the Park for quite a while.we  were going into the a museum of Natural History but it was one of he days that they charge an admission and we did not think we had bring eneuogh [sic] 2-day 2 [sic] pay for going in If I had gone should have tried to see the Old Leathermans sail [?].

 After we left the Park we went over 2 [sic] Riverside drive [sic] and walke [sic] up  that quite a ways on the way back I passed Dr. ed Swift's house. He has a very nice place.
After Lunch [sic] I started down town. Ella met me we went around a little then to the Station  I left about 2 for New Rochelle. I walked their [sic] a few minutes then Grace came. I expected 2  come home Tuesday but Grace was not feeling well she had neuralgia in her face so she did not sleep any the first part of the night so I staid [sic] till Wed morning did not get all [?] much. Mrs. Shaw and I went for the [illegible] tueday [sic] afternoon They wer all feeling very much  upset at the house. The place had been sold + they have got to get out right away. Mrs Gleason could not find a rent + did not know what she was going 2 [sic] do. Was thinking of going 2 [sic] N.Y. and starting on Monday home She has 22 table boarders and they have all got 2 [sic]  find places. It was amusing 2 [sic] hear them all what each other was going 2 [sic] do I had a letter from grace yesterday She has about decided to go where Miss Rollins is. It It is an awful long way from the shop but the car runs so she can take them + she thinks she can go on [in?] her [shawl? wheel?] most of the time.  She thinks she will change again when she [illegible] There is a place where she thinks she would like 2 [sic] go but they are full now but she can probably get in there Their [sic] seems 2-be [sic] more sickness around now than their [sic] has been all week both here and in N.Y. so I guess it is just as well you did not come now -- Hope in a few weeks it will be more settled.Will Ives and Mrs. Mc Lane are quite sick are improving a little Edna is home from her spring vacation and getting her graduating clothes ready. She has ben in N. Haven with her Aunt most of the time. Mrs. Doolittle is taking care of her mother..
Are you going  2 be able 2 get all your things in to your trunk or will you have 2 send some of your things by freight--I should think it would be the best way  2 have your trunk checked through + send the check and we can have it brought up  Cousin Frank and Ada  + the boys called Thursday  they were all driving [?] had been up to South Haven and came this way home.
I have several letters I want 2 write 2-day + think I better get at them.
With lots of love from Mama. Papa says he will need saw  + mauls [?] I know if you got the money he sent.

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